If your university place is dependent on a particular grade you wish to be reviewed, a priority review of marking is required. You must contact the school via the email tab (shown above) by midday on Tuesday 20th August 2024 so that the school can complete the submission and necessary admin by exams board deadline of Thursday 22nd August 2024.
All other enquires need to be submitted via the email above by Tuesday 3rd September 2024 to allow the school to complete the necessary admin by exam board deadline of Thursday 26th September 2024.
JCQ have produced an infographic image of the post results process – you can find the infographic here.
Exam Board Review of Marking Fees
It is worth noting that it could take up to 15 calendar days for a ‘priority review of marking’ outcome and up to 20 calendar days for a ‘review of marking’ outcome.
Collecting Exam Certificates
Please note that GCSE/A-level and BTEC certificates will be available to collect from the school towards Nov/Dec 2024. We will of course let you know when students can collect them.
There is no charge for these certificates, but if you do not collect them and you have to order from the examination body in the future – they currently cost between £40 to £70 (depending on exam board) and can take up to 6 weeks to be delivered.
It is essential that you keep the physical copies of certificates as you may need these for job, college or university applications as proof of achievement. If you cannot provide evidence of your qualifications for a job or university place, then it may delay you starting employment or enrolling at university.
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