School Code of Conduct
Students at Bourne Academy are expected to:
- Arrive at lessons; Smartly dressed in the correct uniform, on time, with the necessary equipment,including planner and strike card.
- Remove all outdoor clothing before entering the building.
- Show respect for property and surroundings and refrain from dropping litter.
- Remember that eating during lessons or in the corridors is forbidden.
- Remember that chewing gum is not allowed on the site.
- Conduct yourselves around the buildings; In a safe manner, remaining in the appropriate area of the school, following the one-way system.
- Arrive at the school punctually for both sessions and leave the school site promptly and in an orderly manner, wearing the correct uniform.
- Communicate with others politely, using acceptable language and co-operate with prefects and staff carrying our their duties.
The following are banned at Bourne Academy:
- Illegal drugs or legal drugs used inappropriately.
- Offensive weapons.
- Replica weapons.
- Any articles deemed offensive and dangerous.
- Misuse or attempted misuse of ICT equipment.
- Aerosols, matches, lighters, cigarettes, e-cigarettes/vaporisers, tobacco, chemicals, solvents, alcohol and pornographic materials.