School Code of Conduct
Students at Bourne Academy are expected to:
- Arrive at lessons; Smartly dressed in the correct uniform, on time, with the necessary equipment, including planner and strike card.
- Remove all outdoor clothing before entering the building.
- Show respect for property and surroundings and refrain from dropping litter.
- Remember that eating during lessons or in the corridors is forbidden.
- Remember that chewing gum is not allowed on the site.
- Conduct yourselves around the buildings; In a safe manner, remaining in the appropriate area of the school, following the one-way system.
- Arrive at the school punctually for both sessions and leave the school site promptly and in an orderly manner, wearing the correct uniform.
- Communicate with others politely, using acceptable language and co-operate with prefects and staff carrying our their duties.
The following are banned at Bourne Academy:
- Vapes/e-cigarettes, cigarettes, tobacco, snus, matches and lighters
- Illegal drugs or legal drugs used inappropriately
- Chemicals, solvents
- Aerosols (including deodorant/perfume etc.)
- Chewing gum
- Energy drinks
- Any sharp objects (including scissors, pencil sharpeners etc.)
- Offensive/replica weapons
- Any items deemed offensive and dangerous
- Offensive printed materials
- Misuse or attempted misuse of ICT equipment (e.g. searching on the internet)
This is not an exhaustive list and the CEO may consider other items as inappropriate if they believe that the possession of the item is to cause harm, distress, injury to another or disruption to learning.
Working Together Communication Policy
On the link below is our ‘Working Together Communication Policy’ for parents/carers and visitors to our school. This policy outlines the expected conduct of parents/carers and visitors and how to engage with the school.