
  • Examination board: AQA
  • Course length: 2 years

Students must meet the minimum entry requirements for the Academic or Combination study pathway. In addition, you must have GCSE Grade 7-7 in Combined Science Trilogy OR Grade 7 in Chemistry and Grade 7 in Maths (or equivalent at BTEC Level 2).

Studying Chemistry allows students to develop their passion and enthusiasm for an analytical subject that will be an ideal stepping stone for many further studies.

It will allow students to appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society.

The course will build upon concepts and skills that were developed at GCSE. They will also be able to develop their practical skills.


Topic 1 – Physical Chemistry

  • Atomic Structure, Moles, Bonding, Energetics and Kinetics

Topic 2 – Inorganic Chemistry

  • Periodicity, Group 2 and Group 7

Topic 3 – Organic Chemistry

  • Alkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols, Halogenoalkanes, Organic Analysis


Topic 4 – Further Physical Chemistry

  • Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Electrode potentials, Acids

Topic 5 – Further Inorganic Chemistry

  • Periodicity, Transition Metals, Aqueous Solutions

Topic 6 – Further Organic Chemistry

  • Nomenclature, Carboxyl Compounds, Aromatic Chemistry, Amines, Amino Acids, Analysis

Paper 1 – Further Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

  • 35% (105 marks) – 2 hour duration

Paper 2 – Further Physical and Organic Chemistry

  • 35% (105 marks) – 2 hour duration

Paper 3 – Synoptic Analysis

  • 30% (90 marks) – 2 hour duration

Once students have been successful in this qualification the doors are opened to many career paths. If a student wishes to apply for higher education an A-level in Chemistry will allow them to follow university qualifications in Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science and many more.

If you have any questions about this subject please email or call 01778 391246.

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