Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

  • Examination board: AQA
  • Course length: 2 years

Students will be selected based on their GCSE results.

Students attend one lesson per week and during that lesson they will cover essential skills that will help them towards gaining a qualification termed Level 3 Extended Project.

This is a valuable qualification that supports students with the transition into higher education or the world of work.

The structure of the course provides students with opportunities for the development of critical, reflective, problem-solving and independent learning skills through the planning, research and evaluation of a self-selected project, similar to the dissertation that university students are required to produce.

Throughout their in-depth study, students will develop and apply skills creatively, resulting in one of the four following project outcomes:

  • A dissertation
  • An investigation
  • A performance
  • An artefact

Each student will submit sections of their project throughout the year and will be provided with feedback on how to improve it. Once the final project has been completed students are expected to present their findings to others and are judged on how well they have completed the work according to specific guidelines. This provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the skills that both employers and higher education providers are highlighting as important attributes.

Universities have stated that the Extended Project stretches students and that it can make the difference on winning a place onto a course or just missing out. It allows students a chance to discuss their chosen subject and reasons why in their personal statement which will be particularly useful when applying for competitive courses.

For students wishing to move onto employment following their post-18 study, it can help to develop their research and presentation skills as well as their confidence to deal with other colleagues in their future careers.

If you have any questions about this subject please email or call 01778 391246.

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