
  • Examination board: Edexcel
  • Course length: 2 years

Students must meet the minimum entry requirements for the Academic or Combination study pathway. In addition, students must have GCSE Grade 6 in History (or equivalent at BTEC Level 2).

The aim of A-level History at Bourne Academy is to provide an exciting range of different historical experiences and give you a window into the past.

We believe that understanding of the past is key to understanding the future. Historians learn to appreciate multiple perspectives, cultures and assess different historical interpretations.


Unit 1 – Germany and West Germany, 1918-89 – What was it like to live in Nazi Germany?

  • Consider how far Nazi foreign policy caused The Second World War. Investigate what life was like in divided Germany after 1945 to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Unit 2 – Spain, 1930-78: Republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy

  • Investigate the causes, effects and results of the Spanish Civil War where international volunteers from all over the world joined the struggle against Fascism.


Unit 3 – Poverty, public health and the state in Britain, c1780–1939

  • What was it like to live in an inner city Victorian slum with the threat of deadly diseases hanging over you? Why did people see death and starvation as a better option than the workhouse?

Unit 4 – Coursework – Interpretations of the Holocaust

  • One assignment based around analysing and evaluating historical interpretations of responsibility for the Holocaust.

There is the opportunity to participate in trips to Newark Holocaust Centre and Southwell Workhouse.

History at Bourne Academy is a full A-level which takes two years.


No external exams take place in year one. Internal mock papers/practice assessments take place throughout the year to prepare for year two.


All History exams for A-level are a mixture of source and knowledge based questions. They all take place in year two:

Unit 1 – Germany and West Germany, 1918-89

  • One exam worth 30% of A-level. Written exam 2 hour 15 minutes.

Unit 2 – Spain, 1930-78

  • One exam worth 20% of A-level. Written exam 1½ hours.

Unit 3 – Poverty, public health and the state in Britain, c1780-1939

  • One exam worth 30% of A-level. Written exam 2 hour 15 minutes.

Unit 4 – Coursework: Interpretations of the Holocaust

  • One assignment focused on analysing and evaluating historical interpretations of responsibility for the Holocaust. Worth 20% of the full A-level.

A-level History is a highly valued qualification for both university applications and employers. The Russell Group of 24 top UK universities identifies A-level History as one of the sought after eight facilitating subjects.

With a History qualification you will be prepared for numerous careers where analytical and critical reasoning skills are highly valued. careers include law, politics, publishing, journalism, media, teaching, museums alongside business and commerce, public sector administration and the charity and voluntary sectors.

If you have any questions about this subject please email or call 01778 391246.

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