BTEC Level 2
Travel & Tourism

  • Examination board: Edexcel
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This is an optional subject which all students will study for 3 hours per week.

The travel and tourism sector is the UK’s third-largest employer, accounting for 9.5 per cent of total employment. Tourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the UK in employment terms, employing nearly 3 million people, and the value of tourism to the UK economy is approximately £121 billion (7.1 per cent) of UK GDP.

This qualification is for learners who want to acquire knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by exploring the aims of different travel and tourism organisations, the features of tourist destinations, how organisations meet customer requirements, and the influences on global travel and tourism as part of their Key Stage 4 learning.


Component 1: Travel and Tourism Organisations and Destinations

  • Students will investigate travel and tourism organisations, their aims and how they work together. They will explore types of travel and tourism and the features that make destinations appealing to visitors.
  • Assessment: Internally assessed in the form of a Pearson set assignment – coursework completed under supervised conditions in lesson.

Component 2: Customer Needs in Travel and Tourism

  • Students will investigate how organisations use market research to identify travel and tourism trends, customer needs and preferences. They will apply their understanding by selecting products and services, and plan a holiday to meet customer needs and preferences.
  • Assessment: Internally assessed in the form of a Pearson set assignment – coursework completed under supervised conditions in lesson.


Component 3: Influences on Global Travel and Tourism

  • Students explore the different factors that influence global travel and tourism and how travel and tourism organisations and destinations respond to these factors. Students examine the potential impacts of tourism at global destinations and how destinations can manage the impacts of tourism to control tourism development and achieve sustainable tourism.
  • Assessment: External exam

After studying BTEC Level 2 Travel & Tourism you could study BTEC Level 3 Travel & Tourism at Bourne Academy Sixth Form.

Gaining a Level 3 qualification will prepare learners to enter employment or apprenticeships, or to move on to higher education by studying a degree in the tourism sector.

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